2023-01-05 02:57| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

I called in for an appointment , was lucky to get one the same day. I go to the facility where they are still full covid precautions, unlike a lot of your other practices where they allow their patients to come in and set and wait.. instead you have to call the number on the sign out front and call multiple times until someone picks up , then you are able to tell them your there to check in etc. After checking in yesterday I was treated like a complete covid case. Although I wasn't there for respitory symptoms , flu like symtoms, fever etc. I was there because my blood pressure has been on the lower side and when it drops it makes me dizzy , which is a common symtom with hypotension . However, when the nurse called to take me back I was told I needed to come through a door that was to the side of the building ( Which is used for anyone who screens positive for covid..) I Asked why I had to come through a different door other then the front and was told that it was protocol for the possibility of me having it, I explained I don't have covid symtoms that I have low blood pressure which is causing dizzy spells and so then the nurse proceeded to say I could meet her up front for a mask and come through the front door directly to my room. Which I was taken to a room that had the machine running and you could barely hear anything for as loud as the air machine is.As soon as I walked from my car to inside I was taken right back to get weighed and then to the room and immediatly sat down with a BP cuff on my arm. In which my BP at that time was okay and I explained that when it wasn't I would get dizzy and then check it and it would be extremly low , however apparently that didn't matter.  I saw Dr. Grube who is not my normal doctor , but it's so hard to get in with your PCP at this practice that I just took the first appointment they threw at me because I felt like I needed to be seen immediatly, and didn't want to land in the Emergency Department. Dr. Grube came in with a grimace on his face and was immediatly short with me. He had to speak very loudly due to the machine running and the multiple masks he had on his face , however his voice was very stern and irritated. He acted like I had the plague , which I was just there for my blood pressure issues and dizziness as I have previously stated. I gave him my paper of my blood pressures I had been monitoring since the 23rd when it started and he looked it over and said he didn't see any to bad that there was a few lower ones but nothing to worrysom. Mind you , with my condition ( I will not explain further on here ) These blood pressures are concerning and a 90/38 bp is not healthy by no means. I explained that I would feel light headed/dizzy and then check my Blood pressure and it would be low. I would monitor it after that and it would only go up to 104/60 being the highest and my normal bloodpressure is much higher and this was weird for me . He  mentioned that he wanted to rule out "Covid & RSV"... I never declined a test however, I did say "not everything is covid". In which his response was if i wanted to be treated he had to find out what it was to do so. I  said okay. He then began to scroll through my chart and throw out random tests/procedures/appointments / and my chart conversations I had had in the past or with other doctors asking me what they said, or why I had this and that, and I could barely hear him over the machine and his masks so I kept having to ask him to repeat or I wouldn't understand what he was saying. He seemed irritated because I would ask him to repeat himself then he just says I'm going to do an EKG Heart tracing and gets up and walks out fully garbed still in his gown and gloves  (PPE) which should have been disposed of before he exited my room. His nurse comes in does the EKG and he returns in and tells me its normal but said he could send me to a cardioligist anyways if I wanted. I said theres no need for that . He then says all he can do is lab work and shows me to the lab, where he is in the hall garbed in the ppe  then he walks away. I go to the lab get labs drawn and then get my papers from the front desk where I see lab tests that were marked as done today for covid, rsv, and flu - which he didnt perform and  my diagnosis was a Upper respitory infection and hypotension which I recieved no treatment for either. I called in this morning to talk to the office manager in the office which didn't seem to care. I explained to her that Dr. Grube was hateful and seemed irritated, I also explained to her that he said he performed tests that he didn't and I explained that he diagnosed me with a URI and hypotension with no treatment. If you need to see a doctor its hard to get in with Giles family practice and when you do get in this is the treatment you get.






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